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作家相片Jennie Chan

One Dance Nation 2023 決賽名單公布

ODN 2023決賽名單經已公布,大會官方網頁、IG及Facebook 經已同步發放入圍隊伍名單🎉🎉

【ONE DANCE NATION Competition 香港舞蹈大賽2023】

香港舞蹈大賽2023 - 初賽順利完成! 參賽者熱血又高質! 感謝ODN初賽專業評審選出優秀隊伍晉級決賽。

本年度ODN 2023決賽將於7月15日假灣仔修頓場館舉行。角逐最後的冠、亞、季軍及ODN額外獎項,包括有最佳隊伍、最佳編舞隊伍、最具娛樂性隊伍及網上人氣隊伍

期待在【ONE DANCE NATION Competition 香港舞蹈大賽2023】決賽見到你們!


日期時間:2023年7月15日(星期六) 晚上7時正



決賽觀眾席門票會於6月19日左右於「CityLine 購票通」公開發售!


各隊參賽者可於6月7日以WhatsApp 向大會優先預訂VIP門票,於觀眾席較佳位置觀嘗賽事,帶來震撼的視覺享受,詳情6月3日公佈!



🧡Congratulations to all the teams that made it to the finals of the ODN🧡

【ONE DANCE NATION Competition 2023】

ONE DANCE NATION Competition 2023 - Preliminary competition was completed! Thank you for our ODN professional judges' dedication, time, and energy in the preliminary competition.

ODN final 2023 will be held on July 15 at Southorn Stadium, Wan Chai. The participants will compete in the final of “One Dance Nation Competition” for 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place, and ODN additional awards including “Best Team,” “Best Choreography Team,” “Most Entertaining Team,” and “Online Popularity Team’’.

Can't wait to see you all in the【ONE DANCE NATION Competition 】Final!

【The Final Detail】

Date & Time: July 15th, 2023 (Sat), 7:00pm

Venue: Southorn Stadium, Wan Chai

The Final is open to the public, there will be available spectators, and tickets must be used to enter the designated session. Based on fire regulations, 1 person 1 ticket system.

Tickets for the final competition will be on sale on "CityLine Ticketing" around June 19!

🔸Good news🔸

Participants of each team can use WhatsApp to reserve VIP tickets on June 7, a better position to enjoy the final. Details will be announced on June 3! (Priority reservations for VIP tickets with better seats in the stadium are limited to 200 tickets 🎫)

Stay Tuned!!

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